
December 14, 1998

      All of your personal information will be kept strictly confidential. This includes your name, contact information, translations, originals - everything. I worked with customers, who had special security requirements, so I am familiar with encryption techniques and various security procedures. Upon your request, I will permanently destroy all copies in all forms of the documents you delivered to me as well as all related translations. Your personal information, which I need to maintain on file for business purposes, will be kept in digital format, securely encrypted on a completely self-contained computer system. This information will never leave my computer, which is extremely well protected against unauthorized access. When transmitting any information to me, you may use any security procedures of your choice - I will fully comply with your requirements and instructions.

     All of this may seem a bit extreme to most people, but, I assure you, this is not "James Bond" stuff: as a native Russian I may be reasonably paranoid, but information theft is reality and it is more widespread than most people realize it.

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